Sunday, January 31, 2010

Here we go Rockets Here we go!

How many points was that Davis?

Jack and Davis learn early on just to hand it to one another.

Davis has been playing Y basketball. He has had a blast. His plays for the Rockets. And prefers to play defense over offense. On many afternoons you can find Davis in front of the mirror practicing his "game face". Davis' buddy Jack is also on the Rockets. Get the two of them in the game together and watch out... The games are hysterical. Nothing like a bunch of 3 and 4 year olds chasing a basketball.

Chatting up the coaches wife - I'm sure he's recapping a big play.

Ready for a little defense. (note to gal in back, didn't your mother teach you to cover your mouth?)

I post this blurry pic because of the kid in the background covering his ears. He did this the entire game. Most of which he also cried during. He was scared to death of the buzzer. The next game he walked into the Y and threw up everywhere, his parents turned and walked out. I guess he figured out how to get out of playing!

This is the perfect picture of Jack and D! The expressions crack me up.

The cheering section....

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