Friday, October 26, 2007

Hallos Past

As you may know by now - I always like to take a look back. We are busy decorating our house for Halloween. We have created a huge spiderweb and after a few days a giant black spider decided to make it a home. We have a witch named Mary that guards our front door.(sorry no reference to anyone we know and love named Mary, it is just what the boys call her) We have mice running up our stairs and pumpkins galore. We have gone pumpkin hunting at the patch and have already feasted on tons of candy. But before I post pictures of Halloween present I enjoyed looking back at Hallopast.

The Bears...2006

A 2 year old Mouse - Gage 2004

Spider Gage - 2004

A Pumpkin Patch Visit -2005

Ward as Zorro for work

Halloween Bunco

Trick or Treating with the boys at the hospitals Retirement Home. 2 little Docs and a witch

Aunt Tina and Uncle Scott as Jessica and Nick

2005 - Ward and I took first place at the VanMeter Costume Party for our second year in a row. I think Ward made a GREAT Micheal Jackson, I was the kid from HomeAlone.